Winning the Battle of Working at Home: a Few Things Beyond the Normal Advice!

Spending time crafting winning marketing strategies and being on the phone with clients is a key part of the visceral excitement that makes running your own business unlike anything else. But there can be times when we can feel bound by a lack of professionalism. This is particularly true when working from home. We all know that working from home brings so many benefits but at the same time, can pose a number of significant challenges. Most guides talk about how to navigate working from home effectively, but there is so much chaos that can be at play, whether this stems from not having a space to work properly or having to work around family members or kids. We're going to show you some unconventional strategies to thrive.

Shamblen Studios | stock wallpaper, stock photos, stock photography, pop art, social media marketing, marketing aesthetic, free photos, small business inspiration, advertising photography, advertising ideas marketing, mockups

Image Source: Shamblen Studios

Ensure Your Home Is Up and Running

It sounds so simple, but you need to remember that when you are in the flow state creating an amazing product, email, blog, or you just need to keep pushing until you break through something, the backdrop that is your home can't let you down. We've got to make sure that it's operating as it should, and we should remember that something like the internet connection we can take for granted, but as soon as the signal dips, it creates a massive pile of problems. 

We've got to be proactive and ensure that our home is a critical player in the success of our home-based business. The functionality of appliances for example can have a major impact on your daily routine and while there's many high end appliance parts available here and there online, it's far better to have a preventative approach to dealing with these things. It ensures that you can have a far better working day and it will allow you to focus on the things that actually matter.

Image Source: Shamblen Studios

Embracing Discomfort

Because our home should be a place where we can relax, when we're trying to work on certain projects that are meant to test our capabilities, we need to challenge our skill set in certain ways. We need to step outside of our comfort zone. This means that potentially you could benefit from setting up a part of your home that is conducive to some sense of chaos. 

Sometimes we need to allow our work to evolve without strict schedules, and this means that certain parts of our daily living can go out the window. But when we've got families that need us to provide structure to their lives, we've got to find somewhere where we can embrace chaos. Setting up a garden outhouse or shed can be the perfect opportunity for you to step away from your typical life and let your creative juices flow. We have to remember that whether we are running a business or we have projects to complete, we must keep that sense of creativity ticking over, which may mean we need to step out of any notion of predictability.

Learn the Art of Disconnecting

If there's one thing that we all think we need to keep us thriving, it's that being connected 24/7 will ensure we stay ahead of the curve. But we should also remember that there can be a number of detrimental impacts if we succumb to the constant barrage of emails and notifications. Being in charge of something can make us feel like we need to reply to something instantly, but we've got to get the balance right by setting aside specific periods each day to immerse ourselves in something else, especially when it comes to the art of creativity. 

We can lose our concentration and flow when we continually get those pings on our phones. Having a digital detox is incredibly important, and in fact, we can incorporate those on a semi-regular basis during our day as this can ensure we all feel the benefits of stepping away from the noise. Because once we do this, we will be able to not feel like the notifications are in control of us.

Shamblen Studios | stock wallpaper, stock photos, stock photography, pop art, social media marketing, marketing aesthetic, free photos, small business inspiration, advertising photography, advertising ideas marketing, mockups

Image Source: Shamblen Studios

Winning the battle of working at home involves so many different things that lots of people could not deal with during the pandemic. Now that life is back to some semblance of normality, there are those big issues that come with working at home. But because we all know what our individual issues are when we are working at home, we need to remember that a home environment can cause certain professional problems that can eat into our productivity and ability to work with a flow. It is certainly a big battle, but it is one you can win.


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